Pacific International Theological Seminary is an educational institution serving the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. The institution provides learning, training, and resources through which men and women may acquire knowledge and gain skills to develop their ministries in the Lord.

We are an evangelical, non-denominational, international, and multi-ethic community. We seek to help fulfill God’s calling and the Church’s commitment to the
ministry of the Word of God. Through professional development, spiritual formation, the dynamics of pastoral ministry, and the encouragement of Christian
lay-leadership, we hope to provide a unique basis for the Church’s outreach in the world. We are committed both to academic excellence and practical relevance, both to personal piety and social responsibility, both to historic orthodoxy and its expression in the scientific culture of our modern world.

Striving to re-shape the institution, the Board of Directors, Faculty, and Administration are making every effort to revise, adjust, and update the school’s goals and structures. We would be truly a mission and discipleship center providing the finest learning opportunities possible for our students.


DR. Noel H Taylor

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