Practical:  The pastoral background and orientation of our faculty strengthens the practical dimension of instruction throughout the curriculum and enables faculty to model a pastoral approach in every class. As a result, students regularly report that classes challenge not only minds, but also hearts. In addition, this pastoral outlook produces a special degree of faculty unity and harmony, which enables the faculty corporately to model Biblical community for students.  Ministry together (Faculty and students) in local churches provides opportunities to work side-by-side and receive on-the-job training.

Connect: Our faculty continues to serve the local Church as well.  Professors regularly serve as interim pastors, Sunday school teachers, conference speakers, and worship leaders. Many also minister to Christians in other countries.

Interaction: This word is one of the Seminary’s distinctive approach to ministry training. Our strong emphasis on building mentoring relationships between faculty and students both in and out of the classroom and our focus on Christ-centered expository preaching in our homiletics program combine to create a unique educational environment that fully equips pastors and ministry leaders to serve Christ’s Church effectively.

One of Pacific Seminary’s chief strengths is its faculty. Our Board and Administration have consciously sought to gather a community of “pastor-scholars” who are not only highly qualified teachers and scholars, but who also possess considerable experience in ministry and are dedicated to a pastoral approach to training for ministry.

Every member of Seminary’s faculty has significant ministry experience, whether serving as a solo, senior, or associate pastor of a church, or in church planting, youth and campus ministry, or cross-cultural mission. Many faculty members also have missions experience.

Truth…To Proclaim His Word: At Pacific International Theological Seminary we hold firmly to the inerrancy and absolute authority of Scripture. One of our primary tasks, then, is equipping pastors to interpret and communicate the Word of God effectively. It is a significant and distinctive feature of Pacific Seminary that we are building upon of excellence in biblical theology and homiletics training.

Spiritual Life…Worship Prayer and Spiritual Formation: A goal of PACITS is to help students develop intellectually, professionally and spiritually.  Theological reflection and spiritual formation happen best when set in the context of a worshipping community. This is a hallmark of our life together at Pacific.

The seminary provides a number of opportunities for students to strengthen their spiritual formation during their years of study. Opportunities such as daily prayer group, service of worships and special lecture series on the topic of spiritual formation.